Streamline Your Study: One Platform, Endless Possibilities

Revolutionize your research approach with our all-in-one platform
featuring real-time editing, secure data handling, and collaborative tools

How it works

Our all-in-one platform supports your entire research journey. Seamlessly manage project setup, securely store documents, and effortlessly handle transcription and translation needs - all within a single, integrated environment

Team Setup

Create an account and easily set up your research team in just a few steps.

Invite members

Invite members effortlessly and assign role-based permissions.


Work together on documents, data collection, and participant management.

Empowering Research with Proven Success

Real Researchers, Real Success

Thanks so much Monica. Everything looks great. It’s much easier now for me to keep track of the transcripts.

- Researcher at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Verified Researcher

Thanks so much to Landmark for the wonderful transcriptions-my colleague and I are very pleased with them! Your work has greatly assisted us in moving forward with data analysis and completion of our research project.

- Rhonda, Professor at CSU Bakersfield

Verified Researcher

The transcript looks great! I'll definitely keep Landmark in mind for future transcription needs.

- Researcher at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Verified Researcher

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

Is there an additional charge for creating a team on the platform?

Creating teams is included with both the Participant Management and Transcription Services at no extra cost. This integration enhances your ability to manage and collaborate efficiently, ensuring comprehensive features without additional fees.

Is there a limit to the number of members I can add to my team?

No, there is no limit on the number of members you can add to your team. Our platform is designed to accommodate teams of any size, allowing you to scale your research efforts as needed without restrictions.

Can I create more than one team on the platform?

Yes, you can create multiple teams on our platform. It is designed to support the management of various teams simultaneously, allowing you to organize and oversee different research projects with ease.

Can I use different sources of payment for each team?

No, it's not a problem. Our platform can accommodate different payment sources for each team, allowing you to manage financials separately and efficiently for your various research groups.

Can the special rate from my university be applied to all my teams on the platform?

Yes, if your university has a special rate, it can be applied to all your teams on the platform. This ensures that every team you create or manage can benefit from the same discounted rate, maintaining consistency and affordability across your projects.

If my research assistants upload files, can I, as the Principal Investigator, know when the files are uploaded and when they are completed?

Yes, as the Principal Investigator (PI), you will receive notifications when files are uploaded and when they are completed. Our platform ensures you stay informed about the progress of your research assistants' work, allowing you to manage and oversee the project effectively.

Ready to Enhance Your Research Team's Efficiency?

We are committed to supporting researchers and their studies in every way possible.
How are you currently managing your research teams?